Mrs Smallwoods handyman :-) My name is Philip Smallwood

Welcome to the Greenheyes Farm Website. We are a small family run dairy farm in the parish of Stanthorne in the county of Cheshire in the northwest of England UK.

The farm is part of the " Bostock Estate" which has been owned by the same family since the early 1800s and the estate is mentioned in the Doomsday book of 1086 and Smallwoods have farmed Greenheyes since 1953.

I am the third generation to hold the tenancy of Greenheyes in my family and I live here with my Wife and 2 children.

The aim of the site is to show our farm to anyone who wishes to look and/or learn about farming.

The site was launched in November 1999 and at time of writing it consists of approximately 200 pages and close to 900 active links

Well that's enough of my talking, please click on the gate below, and come on in and join us.
