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January has been the driest month of this winter so far and the rain gauge gave a reading of 35mm . It has also been frosty as this picture of the rain
gauge (right) shows. As I write this report on 3rd Feb we have already
had 15mm. Due
to the dry weather I have been muckspreading again and (due to the old
spreader wearing out) we have bought another and here it is being delivered. The old one held 5cu/m this one will hold
7 so I am hoping for more dry weather to use it. We bought the spreader from Storey Tractors
of Colne and while we were away our heifers tried their hand at plumbing.
Imagine they must have done this as soon as we went out as the mess on
our return 4 hours later was unbelievable dry solid muck became soup like
consistency so having cleaned this out we should find plenty of work for
the spreader. We have had 3 calves this month 1 black and
white heifer 1 Angus heifer and 1 Angus bull. Just
before Christmas Sarah filled out a competition for on the back of the
local Buy - Sell advertiser and on the 22nd they rang and said we had
won! Here is Sarah and ourselves with her prize (a DVD player) along with
Nigel White Buy-Sell's Director. The sheep returned to Buxton on the 21st
having finished grazing here, visit their owner Paul at www.buxtonshepherdslamb.co.uk
Also this month we have taken time registering
all our cattle that were born before July 1996 as part of a ministry of
agriculture (MAFF as they are known) scheme to produce a central database
on all UK cattle (all those born after July 1996 are already registered).
This has involved checking all the cow's ear tags and filling out the
necessary forms. Finally HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Becky (Paul our cameraman's daughter) 12 on the first of February. Andy has now almost finished our machinery page and so it should be appearing soon. Having checked the site today we have passed the 10,000-visitor mark in virtually 12 months since the counter was fitted INCREDIBLE See you next month Phil