September 2007
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Smidge standing in mudWell as you can see from this photograph of Smidge things are still a little damp and muddy under foot.

Although it did not seem to bother her too much, in parts it made walking a little treacherous.


Flooded thistlesRemember this photograph from last month showing thistles surrounded by flood water.

dead thistlesWell the water has had one beneficial effect, it has killed off the thistles which has been a bit of a blessing for Phil because he had been unable to manage the weeds due to the flood water preventing him from using his equipment.

Dead thistle flower headA closer look at the head of the thistles shows that they were killed before they had a chance to flower. and produce seeds.

Hopefully this will have an effect on reducing the number of thistles that will grow next year.

Cross section through an immature Stink Horn fungiThe damp conditions have not be bad for everything, fungi have thrived well.

This photograph shows a cross section of an immature "Stink Horn" the mature fungi, as it name suggests smells somewhat, it is not unusual to smell it before you see it.

Flock of sparrowsIn the hedgerow these sparrows also seem to be thriving on the weather we have been having.

This particular hedge was full of them, yet some people say their numbers are declining.


Orb spiderAlso seeming to thrive on the damp are Spiders.

Spider invites a crane fly to dinnerThey seem very common this year and I have evicted several specimens from my home who have exceeded size limitation treaties.

On the right our friend above invites a crane fly (daddy long legs) to dinner.

Speckled wood butteflyFinally basking in one of the rare moments of sunshine is this speckled wood butterfly.

A little worn around the wing edges it was a pleasant reminder of a missed summer.

Maybe things will improve as autumn arrives.


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