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1mm of rain falling on 1 sq metre produces 1 litre of water our cubical shed roof is 20mx20m therefore producing 400litres per mm of rainfall and until now we just let it flow down the drains.

This water trough holds 2000 litres the capacity for 5mm of rain but seeing we can get 15mm we needed to allow for overflow.

Thanks to Mike from Congleton Dairy services the water flows into the trough and then back down the drain if it is full.
Also due to the positioning of the trough and a little plumbing the trough will supply the field troughs as the supply pipe runs below besides giving a drink for the cows if they are on the yard or the drive field.

These pictures show the installing and the first rain filling the trough. The cows had drunk it down to about 100mm deep but a 2-hour heavy shower filled it to overflow again.

We think the cows will use the trough a lot when the come in for the winter stopping for a drink as they go into the cubicals after milking.


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